WHAT COMES TO MIND when you hear the word “sugar”? Probably your favorite type of candy or dessert, maybe your favorite soda. You probably didn’t picture barbecue sauce, granola bars, flavored yogurt, or fruit juice, but all of these and plenty more foods you wouldn’t suspect are loaded with sugar. That isn’t great news for our oral health. Sugar Versus Our Teeth Why are dental health professionals like us wary of sugar? Simple. The harmful bacteria on our teeth and gums like to eat sugar as much as we do. When they’ve enjoyed a tasty meal from the food fragments that remain in your mouth after a sweet treat, they excrete acid onto your teeth. This acid eats away at tooth enamel and irritates the gums, and if we aren’t careful, it can lead to issues like tooth decay and gum disease. Learn to Recognize the Many Names of Sugar If sugar…
collegeville braces
Live Healthy and Meditate

Consistent good oral hygiene absolutely improves your health! Preventing dental disease and periodontal disease strengthens your immune system and allows your body to use its defense system to ward off all other pathogens. This keeps your body strong. This is a busy world and it is easy to engage in the “rat race” and become distracted from what is really important in life. Taking a few minutes a day to meditate can help to re-route your thoughts and come back to reality. Doing so can improve your health and your life as stress is greatly reduced. This must be done on a daily basis to have a true effect on healthier living. This has been known for thousands of years. Focus on your breathing and you will feel renewed and more relaxed. It is impossible to think about stressful daily events when you are totally focused on thin king only…
Why are x-rays important in orthodontics?

Radiographs (x-rays) provide dentists of all types and specialists to see things that cannot be seen by the naked eye. All dental x-rays are used with low levels of radiation and are extremely important to evaluate your oral health. Family dentists can view early decay between the teeth and they can observe when bone loss is occurring. Additionally, unerupted teeth can be noted as well as extra or missing teeth. Finally, cysts and tumors are often discovered as they become evident on digital x-ray images. Orthodontists consider a panoramic x-rays (the one that scans the entire lower face) as the most valuable diagnostic tool in orthodontics. The overall dental and periodontal health can be observed as well as root positioning. All children should have a panoramic film by age 7. It shows us when developing teeth need more space to emerge so we can treat most conservatively to avoid the…
Treat (Help) Yourself to a great smile!

MANY ADULTS MISTAKENLY believe that they missed their chance to get braces because they didn’t have them as teenagers. However, the number of adult orthodontic patients has risen dramatically over the last few decades, and today we’re going to debunk all of your excuses for not getting braces and show you why orthodontic treatment is still a wonderful option for adults with dental alignment issues. “It’s Too Late; My Teeth Won’t Move” It may be preferable to start young for orthodontic treatment, but there is no age limit to getting a straighter smile. We can help determine the best treatment for your circumstances. One advantage adult orthodontic patients have over teens is the self-discipline that comes with maturity; adults will often be better at following instructions for their treatment, which means it will go much smoother. Check out how much this woman’s teeth moved in one year with adult braces! “I’ll Be Fine If I Keep My Crooked…
Orthodontic Treatment: One Phase or Two?

As a culture, we tend to think of braces as a teenage experience, so it can be surprising to learn that the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that children have an initial orthodontic consultation by age 7. If a child is starting to develop complicated orthodontic problems, this early checkup allows the orthodontist to head them off with Phase 1 treatment. Below are 5 conditions that you, as a parent/guardian should look out for. Here are 5 conditions that warrant early treatment during mixed dentition (ages 6-9). 1. Mouth breathing /snoring This can cause narrow arches which delays and causes poor tooth emergence. Our patented Press-On expanders painlessly correct this condition. 2. Lack of Space for Permanent Teeth Permanent incisors normally emerge at age 6. Delayed emergence usually indicates a lack of space. This is easily corrected with painless expanders and or with short term braces (less than one…