Make it a GREAT day! Everyday!

A great day starts from the moment you awaken. The best way to start your day is with a smile on your face and gratitude in your heart and mind. Saying thank you for this great day holds the thought in your mind. Feeling it with your heart intensifies the thought and makes it a reality.

It is impossible to have anxiety, fear, or anger in your mind while you are in a state of gratitude. One of my favorite quotes is from Neale Donald Walsch, “Gratitude is the miracle cure for every moment of disease.”  Just try to remember that it is hard to NOT smile while you are in a state of gratitude.

One smile (yours) leads to another (your friends and family). Allowing your cup to run over keeps all the negative emotion from entering your day. There is simply no room for negative thoughts when you are filled with gratitude and love for yourself and for others.

Accepting and giving thanks for all events even the ones that seem like they are setbacks – helps you grow forward. It helps your thoughts to become your reality and what you hold in your mind becomes your reality.

So think great today!
