The Daily Grind of Bruxism

MOST PEOPLE GRIND OR CLENCH their teeth briefly when annoyed or in a tense situation. That level of teeth-grinding isn’t really something to worry about. It’s when you do it far more frequently, often without even realizing it (you might even do it in your sleep!), that it can potentially become a serious problem. The medical term for this kind of teeth-grinding is bruxism. Bruxism: What and Why The main causes of bruxism is stress and an imperfect bite. Symptoms of Bruxism: Frequent headaches from all the strain Enlargement in your jaw muscles (because you’re giving them quite the workout!) Shifting teeth Flattened chewing surfaces of teeth Exposed dentin and increased tooth sensitivity Chipped/cracked/split teeth Tooth loss Your Next Steps Depending on which type of bruxism you have, there are a variety of treatments or approaches to either reduce the grinding or the damage it causes. Relaxation Particularly for stress-related bruxism, relaxation techniques such…

Why See An Orthodontist?

Did you know that an orthodontist must become a dentist FIRST? All orthodontist are dentists, but not all dentists are orthodontists. Extra training and education that makes an orthodontist qualified to safely and effectively adjust a patient’s dental alignment, which is why it’s so important to choose an orthodontist to straighten your smile. This is especially true with Invisalign treatment where the diagnosis needs to be thorough and complete to set up a great treatment sequence! We have treated over 1,500 patients with Invisalign and we are committed to excellence to optimize your smile and dental health! Trust your team at Dr. McSurdy’s office Dr. David W. McSurdy graduated from Perkiomen Valley High School and then went to receive his Bachelor of Science degree from Lafayette College. He completed his dental training at Temple University School of Dentistry and continued on for his specialized training in orthodontics at Fairleigh Dickinson…

Going Back to School with Your Braces or Retainers? Try to remember these important tips…

For those of you with braces, pack an extra toothbrush in your backpack.  Don’t let the remnants of your lunch sit on your teeth and braces all afternoon!  Let your teacher know how important it is for you to brush your teeth after meals.  If you like to buy your lunch, remember it’s your responsibility to make good decisions about food.  Avoid items on the “no-no’ list such as hard, crunchy or sticky foods that can break your braces. Is your team sport starting up again? Those traditional “boil and bite” mouth guards cannot be worn with braces on!  We have specialized orthodontic mouth guards in our office that will properly fit over the braces. For those of you with retainers that you wear during the day, pack an extra retainer case in your backpack or lunch bag.  Avoid wrapping your retainer in a napkin or paper towel during meals! …

Our Team’s Thanksgiving Traditions

THANKSGIVING TRADITIONS COME in all shapes and sizes. From the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade to breaking the wishbone to getting together with those wacky yet lovable relatives, traditions vary from family to family, and that includes the families of our practice’s team members! Unusual Thanksgiving Traditions Dr.McSurdy enjoys brining the turkey before he roasts it. In the past, he has also tried to deep fry a turkey (in 45 minutes) in the freezing cold. Lastly, he enjoys having a turkey bowl with his neighbors. Favorite Thanksgiving Memories Dr.McSurdy’s favorite memories on Thanksgiving include it snowing on Thanksgiving (twice), watching football with a fire in the fireplace (every year), eating dinner with his family and enjoying his wife’s great tasting turkey and sausage filling. Traditions In Our Practice Every year in our office we host a potluck. Each team member makes a side dish and we share our food together at lunch.…

Congenitally Missing Teeth – Dental Substitution

If your dentist informs you that your child has congenitally missing teeth, it is important to have an orthodontic consultation as soon as possible. This is especially true if there are missing front teeth. Why Should You Seek Orthodontic Assistance for Cogenitally Missing Teeth? Why is this so important? Often, orthodontically, we can substitute primary teeth into missing permanent teeth positions. Also, often we can move permanent canines into the missing incisor positions. In this manner, we can prevent your child from having noticeably missing tooth spaces, and we can help to normalize the emergence pattern of the permanent teeth. Getting Orthodontic Treatment For Your Teenager If your child is already a teenager, then orthodontically we idealize missing tooth spaces so that an appropriately ideally sized prosthodontic tooth can be placed by your dentist. In this way it is virtually undetectable that a missing tooth situation exists. An orthodontic consultation…